Acute Otitis Media (Middle Ear Infection): Part I

I know, I know, we’re smack dab in the middle of the summertime and yes, ear infections occur more frequently in the winter months, but I felt like talking about it anyway! 


To make learning about acute otitis media (AOM), or middle ear infections, easier, I’m going to breakup the topic into separate parts…cool?


This will be a quick post! 


So, what is the best treatment option for middle ear infections?


This may come as a surprise to you, but the best treatment option for your child is to avoid using antibiotics for a middle ear infection.  That’s right, most cases of AOM in children can resolve on their own without the use of antibiotics. 


However, even with this knowledge, antibiotics are prescribed more often than not.  Stack that on top of the fact that AOM is super prevalent among children and we have ourselves a fabulous reason to dive head first into this topic


Stay tuned for more tidbits of info on middle ear infections! 


If you have any questions about what I’ve thrown out there so far, e-mail me at cate@getpharmacyadvice or leave a comment on this post.


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