gallery How to Use Tampons

We received this question from one of our younger members…

I am afraid to put in a tampon.  I’m 13 and i’ve had my period for about a year. All the while i’ve been using pads. I just got my period again today. (bummer, right?) and on Wednesday i’m leaving to go up to my lake house until Saturday. This is the only time we’re going this year, and I LOVE swimming and being in the water. I know I can’t use pads while I’m swimming, but i’m really scared to use tampons. I’m always afraid that when i’m pulling it out, the string is going to pull off and the tampon is going to get stuck inside of me. First of all, is this possible? Second of all, what are some good tips to using tampons? Will I be used to them by Wednesday? Thanks. 
P.S. Does it hurt to take them out??
My answer:
Hi Lena,

The idea of using tampons can be scary -but they are easy enough, once you get the hang of them.The easiest tampons to use for your first few times would be ones with a plastic applicator, regular or teen size and you can get some lubricant (like KY jelly- not vaseline) and put it on the top of the tampon.

When it is time to take the tampon out -it should come out smoothly…if it feels difficult to take out -it may be too early (don’t use too high of an absorbency or try to take out as soon as you put it in). Your period and body fluids coat the tampon and allow it to slide out easily.

As for having the tampon stuck inside -almost 99.9% not going to happen but if you happen to be the .1%, you can use your fingers to remove it (seems weird but quite doable!).

Make sure you do not leave the tampon in too long -you should be changing it about every 4 to 5 hours and make sure you use as low as an absorbency level (regular or teen) as needed.

Take care and GOOD LUCK!
