OTC Yeast Infection Treatments

Hey world!  


It’s opening night for the NFL ’09 season, and it’s my first season ever of having my very own fantasy football team – I’m super pumped!  If I was obsessed with football before, I definitely am now. 


Kickoff is just around the corner so I’m going to throw in this quick post. 


This blurb is more for the ladies in the house, but gents can feel free to read it to! 


A lady patient came into the pharmacy the other night, “dying” from her symptoms of a yeast infection.  Four hours earlier, she had used an  generic version of Monistat 1 (which is available OTC), but hadn’t achieved any belief quite yet.  


She was blaming the inefficacy of the treatment on the fact that she used a generic medication.  She was back into the pharmacy to buy a different, but similar brand-name medication. 


In reality, the generic options for yeast infection treatments are just as effective as their brand-name counterparts.  Actually, there is no significant difference between all of the OTC vaginal yeast infection treatment options in regards to how well they work – all of the OTC treatment options (creams, vaginal suppositories, etc.) are equally effective! 


Also, it could take at least a couple of days for all of the yeast infection treatment options (OTC and prescription meds) to provide relief of symptoms.  


The patient thought that she should feel quite a bit better within a few hours of using any of the available medications.  I explained all of this to her the best I could, but she purchased a different brand-name product anyway. 🙁 


 Alright, gotta sign-off now so I can get a little football in before work.  Be sure to cheer for Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans tonight – he’s one of my running backs! 


 P.S. Take a look at our free video course “90 Ways to Save Money on Your Prescription Medications” and fill us in with some feedback on what you think about it.  We want to make it as good as possible for you all!