Placement of Mirena Feels Funny?

Hey ladies (and guys if you’re concerned for your lady), my good friend Amanda asked me this question in regards to Mirena birth control: 


I have recently had my second Mirena inserted and have noticed that at times it seems I am able to feel the placement of the Mirena.  I do not remember having this feeling with my first Mirena (but then again I may just not remember).  Should I be concerned with this feeling?


The answer to the question is YES, you should definitely be concerned.  You should not be able to feel the placement of the Mirena.


If you do feel the placement of the Mirena, there is a good chance that the device has become displaced or it may not have been placed correctly to start with.  If this has happened, the Mirena may not prevent pregnancy – you need to contact your doctor to see what they want to do about the issue.  In the meantime, you should use a backup form of birth control (that does not contain hormones) until your doctor gives you further instructions. 


If the doctor decides you should have the device removed, they will replace the old Mirena with a new one (they should never reinsert an old Mirena) and you can go on your merry way!


Now, what you should be able to feel are the removal threads at the top of your vagina (or at your cervix, whichever way you want to put it!) when you check to see if the Mirena is still in place. 


After every period, you should check to see if the Mirena has gone missing or if it’s not in its right place. 


To do this, you will first wash your hands with soap and water.  Then, with your clean fingers, feel for the threads at the top of your vagina.  DO NOT pull on the threads – this can pull the Mirena out of place!  If you feel more than just the threads, you will have to call your doctor because this means the Mirena is not in the right position. If you do not feel the threads at all, make an appointment to have your doctor check to see if the Mirena is still there and in the correct spot. 


Remember, if for any reason you think the Mirena is not placed correctly or has disappeared, use another form of birth control that does not contain hormones until your doctor can help you out!


Amanda, thanks for the great question!


If anyone else has a story to share, feel free to comment on the article – tell us about your experience with Mirena.  Also, if you have any questions about Mirena, send me an e-mail at


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